Parent child play

A. Country kids learn big lessons

1) Painted straw hat

2) Ice breaking game

3) Fun loop/Tractor experience/Playground

4) Busy little farmers

5) Jungle climbing

6) Plant maze

7) Explore the plant world

(PS: Chinese food can be customized "green rice ball")

B. Nature Detective

1) Opening Ceremony (Turn into a nature detective)

2) Plant BINGGO learning card

3) Explore the plant world

4) Jungle climbing

5) Breaking the Morse Code

6) Tree rings

C. Pottery Time

1) Pottery production

2) Ancient papermaking

3) Plant world treasure hunt

4) Beat the African drum

5) Jungle climbing

D. A journey to discover ancient civilizations

1) Imitation of ancient paper

2) Compass application

3) Creative rubbing

4) Parent-child play time

5) Movable type printing